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COVID-19 Church Reopening Update

Due to COVID-19 and the recommendations of the New Jersey Governor, we are canceling church at our physical location. Please join us on Facebook at 11:00am for Sunday Sermon

ROACF is reopening for in-person service on August 2, 2020!

Rock of Ages Christian Fellowship is prayerfully re-opening in-person church services because we know that it pleases the Lord and it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. There is also clear evidence of a declining and low level of COVID-19 infection in our state and community. We are grateful to the Almighty and trusting Him that we will resume in-person ministries and do it safely.

As a church, we have put in place necessary precautions as recommended by the CDC and the NJ state government. To keep everyone as safe as possible, we have strategically plan our church’s re-opening, sanitation, and cleaning process.

With this in mind, we have put together necessary safety precautions in addition to guidelines on COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NJ State government. We will:

1. Take everyone’s temperatures on-site with a no-touch thermometer
2. Have chairs set-up six feet apart (single, family and couple)
3. Ask you not attend in-person service if you’re feeling sick
4. Keep record of all attendees – per CDC guidelines
5. Make changes to serving communion
6. Place hand sanitizers in strategic areas including the bathrooms
7. Not distribute church bulletin until further notice
8. Restrict access to the water fountain
9. Ask everyone to have mask on before they can be seated – per CDC guidelines
10. Provide masks and gloves if you don’t come with one
11. Take measures to cleaning before and after services
12. Until further notice, no engaging in physical contact. A simple wave and a friendly greeting is sufficient to welcome people into the church. Even if you feel comfortable greeting with a handshake or hug, it may make others uncomfortable. The following will be practiced:

  • Refrain from handshakes or hugs until further notice
  • The “guest greeting” portion of the service is discontinued until further notice

With the re-opening and in-person services, we will continue to conduct online broadcasting of our service on Facebook (we are also looking at other platforms) every Sunday and our Thursday Bible Study on Zoom.

If you have Facebook, you can watch the service on

If you don’t have Facebook, you can go to our website at and click on the Facebook link to watch the service

Our Zoom Meeting link is:

Please join us if you’re in the area and comfortable with in-person or join us on Facebook or Zoom.